
Galicia and Bukovina are old cultural landscapes in East Central Europe. After several changes in borderlines, the disappearance and formation of states, Eastern Galicia and Northern Bukovina are now part of Ukraine.

Towns and villages were and are multi-ethnic communities. Ukrainians, Poles, Romanians, Jews, Armenians, German, Hungarians, Czechs, Roma, and other nations have lived and continue to live there – albeit in a different proportional composition than before World War II. Jews have shaped the region as nowhere else in Europe.

During the German occupation, the Jewish population was almost completely wiped out. Western Ukraine is still a landscape after a genocide. Overgrown Jewish cemeteries, ruins of synagogues, study houses, schools, cultural institutions, and mass graves bear witness to Jewish life and its destruction. What survived the destruction of the Germans and their allies, has been misused by the Soviets or was finally erased.

This book and its images document, what is still visible of the Jewish past of the region today.

Christian Herrmann
Spurensuche (Searching for Traces)
reserv-art Verlag
Prefaces in German by Jürgen Wilhelm, President of the Regional Assembly of the Rhineland, and Lothar Altringer, head of the Photographic Collection of the Regional Museum of the Rhineland, as well as a postscript by the author
64 pages with 52 full-page photos in analogue black and white
28 x 22 cm
19,95 €

By ISBN 978-3-00-048258-8 you can order via your bookstore or directly from the publisher by sending an e-mail to fotografie@reserv-art.de. You will receive an answer by the publisher with payment instructions and fees for shipping. The publisher accepts payments via bank transfer and PayPal.

This publication was funded by the Regional Council of the Rhineland.